Monday, March 2, 2009

The R-Word Campaign: Spread the Word to End the Word

OK, so I know I haven't blogged in a really really long time, but I'm sorry. I just emerged from an avalanche of homework.

So. Onto the R-word campaign. I've been involved informally in the R-word campaign for years, but *thank god* people are starting to take it to the next level. Anyway, March 31 is The First Global Day to Eradicate the R-Word. For more info, go to The R-word (retard) is incredibly insulting to not only people with intellectual disabilities, but those who care about them.

I know BADD isn't until May, but can we have a Blogging Against the R-Word day on March 31? Please, if anyone is reading this, please blog against the R-word to show your support for the campaign! And if you don't have a blog....write a Facebook note, make a video and upload it to youtube, anything to show your support!


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